


«ELD Studio has supported us from the beginning of our digital business creation. They were setuped WordPress Theme for our website, designed and translated all texts, booked the domain, developed the design of the website and the logo, and all Social Media Art installed plugins on WordPress, interviewed the clients. Has created accounts on social media and filled them with content. Themed publishing in matching design and links. They also created the account of google ads and planned the promotional campaigns for our German and Ukrainian websites for Google Ads: «Future Husband» and «Herz Kopf Partnervermittlung» HerzKopf-Partnervermittlung Agencies. We will be recommending this ELD Studio with their digital service. They did all the tasks Quickly and with Quality!»
Co-Founder of
«Future Husband» & «Herz Kopf Partnervermittlung» Agencies
«For a long time, we're looked for performers. We wanted to solve our problems comprehensively and at an affordable price. And so we found the website ELD studio, everything went perfectly according to the terms and by the prices. We ordered a full package of services at ELD Studio website, we had to solve a number of issues. We have ordered Logo, Name, Design of our E-commerce website, and the design of the one-page website, which was at the very beginning, and then we expanded the range and ordered from ELD Studio to develop an entire online store, and design Landing Page which does sells for us, everything completely from scratch. They performed everything quickly and qualitatively, everything as we wanted in TOR. Name and Logo are especially pleased by us. Very creative approached the solution to problems. We even could not imagine that this is possible! We applied several times to the ELD Studio, and we will contact you in the future! Furthermore, we highly recommend ELD Studio!»
HUG - Shop


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